
二叶草 2020年2月14日21:31:01函数代码评论阅读模式

 查找Java容器Matlab GUI句柄中包含的所有Java对象

Find all java objects contained within a java container or Matlab GUI handle


If no output parameter is specified, then an interactive GUI window will be displayed with a tree-view of all container components, their properties and callbacks.


[handles,levels,parentIds,listing] = findjobj(container,'PropName',PropValue(s),...)



- container:可选的GUI句柄,如果没有指定,则使用当前图形界面。

- container - optional GUI handle. If unsupplied then current figure will be used

- 'PropName',PropValue:不区分大小写属性对的可选列表。

- 'PropName',PropValue - optional list of case insensitive property pairs. PropName may also be named -PropName.

Supported properties:

- 'position' - filter results based on those elements that contain the specified X,Y position or a java element

Note: specify a Matlab position (X,Y = pixels from bottom left corner), not a java one

- 'size' - filter results based on those elements that have the specified W,H (in pixels)

- 'class' - filter results based on those elements that contain the substring (or java class) PropValue

Note: filtering is case insensitive and relies on regexp, so you can pass wildcards etc.

- 'property' - filter results based on elements that possess the specified case-insensitive property string or have property values in cell array format: {'propName', 'propValue'}. Example: findjobj(...,'property', {'Text','click me'})

- 'depth' - filter results based on specified depth. 0=top-level, Inf=all levels (default=Inf)

- 'flat' - same as: 'depth',0

- 'not' - negates the following filter: 'not','class','c' returns all elements EXCEPT those with class 'c'

- 'persist' - persist figure components information, allowing much faster results for subsequent invocations

- 'print' - display all java elements in a hierarchical list

Note1: optional PropValue of element index or handle to java container

Note2: normally this option would be placed last, after all filtering is complete.

- 'list' - same as 'print'



- handles:Java元素句柄列表

- handles - list of handles to java elements

- levels:Java元素的对应层次结构列表(top=0)

- levels - list of corresponding hierarchy level of the java elements (top=0)

- parentIds:对应Java元素父容器的索引列表(未经过滤的句柄)

- parentIds - list of indexes (in unfiltered handles) of the parent container of the corresponding java element

- listing:“print”/“list”选项的结果(如果未指定“print”/“list”,则为空)

- listing - results of 'print'/'list' options (empty if 'print'/'list' were unspecified)


>> hButton = uicontrol('string','click me');

>> jButton = findjobj(hButton,'nomenu'); % or: jButton = findjobj('property',{'Text','click me'});

>> jButton.setFlyOverAppearance(1);

>> jButton.setCursor(java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));

>> set(jButton,'FocusGainedCallback',@myMatlabFunction); % some 30 callback points available...

>> jButton.get; % list all changeable properties...

>> hEditbox = uicontrol('style',edit');

>> jEditbox = findjobj(hEditbox,'nomenu');

>> jEditbox.setCaretColor(java.awt.Color.red);

>> jEditbox.KeyTypedCallback = @myCallbackFunc; % many more callbacks where this came from...

>> jEdit.requestFocus;

(Many more examples in the utility's help section)



- Cannot currently process multiple container objects - just one at a time


- Initial processing is a bit slow when the figure is laden with many UI components (so better use 'persist')


- Passing a container Matlab handle is currently found by position+size: should find a better way to do this


- Labels have a write-only text property in java, so can't be found using 'property',{'Text','string'} notation


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